Xiaofeng Lin
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 56, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 17-37
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.17.003.6967The morphology and phylogeny of two poorly known species, Uronema nigricans (Müller, 1786) Florentin, 1901 and Lembadion lucens (Maskell, 1887) Kahl, 1931, were respectively collected from a eutrophic freshwater river in Shenzhen and an oligotrophic lake in Zhanjiang (both in southern China) and investigated using standard taxonomic methods. The sampled population of Uronema nigricanswas characterized by a cell size of 30–40 μm × 12–20 μm in vivo, an elongated elliptical outline with a prominent apical plate, and 13–15 somatic kineties. The sampled population of Lembadion lucenswas characterized by a cell size of 45–80 μm × 20–50 μm in vivo, 25–35 somatic kineties, five or six caudal kinetosomes with cilia about 20 μm in length, and a single right-positioned contractile vacuole.The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of these species was sequenced and compared with those of their congeners to reveal nucleotide differences. The phylogenetic trees showed that the Shenzhen population of Uronema nigricans clusters with two other sequences under the name of “Uronema nigricans” (which are possibly misidentified) and then groups with Uronemita sinensis (Pan et al., 2013) Liu et al., 2016 with full support. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that genus Lembadion is monophyletic with full support provided by both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood algorithms. Based on analyses of morphological and sequence data, Uronemita sinensis may represent a new genus between Uronema and Uronemita.
Xiaofeng Lin
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 205-218
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.11.020.0020The morphology and infraciliature of five trachelocercid ciliates: Tracheloraphis huangi spec. nov., T. colubis (Kahl, 1933) comb. nov., T. phoenicopterus (Cohn, 1866) Dragesco, 1960, T. oligostriata (Raikov, 1962) Foissner and Dragesco, 1996 and Trachelocerca incaudata Kahl, 1933, isolated from the intertidal zone of a beach at Qingdao, China, were studied in live and protargol impregnated specimens. Tracheloraphis huangi spec. nov. was distinguished from its congeners mainly by its single nuclear group composed of 25–30 round macronuclei and 29–37 somatic kineties. The poorly known T. colubis is redescribed including for the first time information on its infraciliature. An improved diagnosis is also provided. In light of its infraciliature, T. colubis is transferred to Tracheloraphis from the genus Trachelocerca. Additional data on other three species is supplied based on the Qingdao populations.
Xiaofeng Lin
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 52, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 35-49
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.13.004.0832Living observation and silver impregnation methods were used to investigate the morphology and infraciliature of three Frontonia ciliates (F. guangdongensis spec. nov., F. ocularis Bullington, 1939 and F. schaefferi Bullington, 1939) that were isolated from coastal waters of the South China Sea. Frontonia guangdongensis spec. nov. may be recognized by the combination of the following characteristics: cells about 160 × 35 μm in vivo; elongated body with right margin depressed in anterior third; length to width ratio 4:1 to 5:1; three or four vestibular and four or five postoral kineties; peniculi 1 and 2 each with four rows of kineties, peniculus 3 with two rows; one contractile vacuole in mid-body region right of cell median; brackish water habitat. A key based on morphological data for fourteen marine or brackish water Frontonia species found in China is also provided. In addition, the small subunit (SSU) rDNA gene was sequenced for F. ocularis Bullington, 1939. Our phylogenetic analyses support the contention that the genus Frontonia is not monophyletic.
Xiaofeng Lin
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 219-234
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.11.021.0021Eight marine scuticociliates, Pseudoplatynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) nov. comb., Protocyclidium sinica nov. spec., Histiobalantium marinum Kahl, 1933, Porpostoma notata Möbius, 1888, Philaster hiatti Thompson, 1969, Parauronema longum Song, 1995, Uronemella parafilificum Gong et al., 2007, and Paranophrys magna Borror, 1972, collected from Chinese coastal waters, were investigated using live observations and silver impregnation methods. Investigations of a Chinese population of Platynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) reveal that it has a highly strengthened pellicle and distinct spines and thus corresponds well with the definition of Pseudoplatynematum Bock, 1952. A new combination, Pseudoplatynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) nov. comb., is therefore proposed and an improved species diagnosis is supplied. Protocyclidium sinica nov. spec. is characterized by: small body size with buccal field approximately 60% of body length; extrusomes present; 13 or 14 somatic kineties; somatic kinety 1 comprising approximately 24 densely arranged kinetids; somatic kinety n shortened posteriorly; single macronucleus. Additional information is documented on the morphology of six other species of scuticociliates based on the China populations.