Konfliktowy wymiar zorganizowania imigrantów – przypadek polskich organizacji imigranckich w Szwecji
Witold Nowak
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 2 (184), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 161-183
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444972SMPP.22.016.15842Although an organization is usually defined as a group of people working towards achieving common goals within a specific structure, the functioning of the organization is not free from tensions, disputes or conflicts. This article focuses on the conflict dimension of organized human groups in a specific context – in migratory conditions. It presents the results of research carried out using a case study strategy among Polish immigrant organizations in Sweden. It reconstructs and explains the specificity of tensions and disputes occurring in the Polish organizational field: both within the Polish immigrant organizations, between them, and between organizations and their social and institutional environment.