Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 49, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 195 - 212
The morphology, the infraciliature, some stages of cell division and physiological reorganization, and the SSU rRNA gene sequence of the little-known marine 18-cirri hypotrich Tachysoma rigescens (Kahl, 1932) Borror, 1972 [basionym Oxytricha (Tachysoma) rigescens], isolated from mariculture waters near Qingdao, China, were investigated. This rare species is characterized, inter alia, by narrowly spaced, small, colourless cortical granules and several conspicuous ring-shaped structures in the cytoplasm. The caudal cirri and the simple dorsal kinety pattern (three bipolar kineties) are probably plesiomorphic traits within the Hypotricha, the composition of the adoral zone of the proter from new and parental membranelles, as well as the presence of two ‘extra’ cirri behind the right marginal row strongly suggest a misclassification in Tachysoma. The SSU rRNA gene sequence data indicate that T. rigescens branches off rather basally in the Hypotricha tree, which supports the hypothesis that the 18-cirri pattern occurred very early, probably already in the last common ancestor of the Hypotricha. A detailed survey of the early branching 18-cirri hypotrichs and similar taxa (e.g. Trachelostyla pediculiformis, Hemigastrostyla enigmatica, Protogastrostyla pulchra) reveals that for T. rigescens a new genus (Apogastrostyla gen. nov.) has to be established, because there are important differences, inter alia, in the dorsal infraciliature. Besides the type species, A. rigescens comb. nov., which seems to be confined to the northern hemisphere according to the sparse faunistic data, a second marine species, A. szaboi comb. nov. (basionym Hemigastrostyla szaboi), so far only twice recorded from the Antarctic region, can be included. The Chinese population is fixed as neotype to define the species objectively, because no type material of A. rigescens is present and the original type locality is not known. The species name Tachysoma multinucleate is emended: Tachysoma multinucleatum nom. corr.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 54, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 305 - 323 new species of myxosporeans found from marine fishes were collected from coastal waters off the Yellow Sea in China: Sphaerospora sebasta sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder of Sebastes schlegeli, Ceratomyxa hemitriptera sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder of Hemitripterus villosus,Ceratomyxa kareus sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladders of Kareius bicoloratus and Zebrias zebra,Ceratomyxa lateolabrax sp. n. and Ceratomyxa lomi sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder ofLateolabrax japonicus, Ceratomyxa qingdaoensis sp. n. coelozoic in the urinary bladder ofArgyrosomus argentatus, Ceratomyxa saurida sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder of Saurida elongata, Ceratomyxa sebastisca sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder of Sebastiscus sp., Ceratomyxa simplex sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder of Chirolophis japonicus and Ceratomyxa triacantha sp. n. coelozoic in the gall bladder and bile of Triacanthus brevirostris. All those forms were described in a book chapter cited as “known forms” several years ago, but have never been formally established as new taxa which are thus officially reported here. The present contribution only provided the morphology and geographic distribution of these organisms.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 49, Issue 1 , 2010, pp. 45 - 59
The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of three marine scuticociliates, Uronema marinum Dujardin, 1841, U. heteromarinum nov. spec. and Pleuronema setigerum Calkins, 1902, isolated from coastal waters off Qingdao, China, were investigated using living observation and silver impregnation methods. Due to the great confusion in the species definition of the well-known species U. marinum, we have documented a detailed discussion/comparison and believe that most of the confusion is due to the fact that at least 2 closely-related sibling morphotypes exist which are often not recognized. Based on the data available, U. marinum is strictly defined as follows: marine Uronema ca. 30 × 10 μm in size, with truncated apical frontal plate and smooth pellicle, extrusomes inconspicuous, cytostome located equatorially, 12–14 somatic kineties and one contractile vacuole pore near posterior end of kinety 2. Uronema heteromarinum nov. spec. resembles U. marinum but can be distinguished morphologically by its notched pellicle with conspicuous extrusomes and reticulate ridges, the 15–16 somatic kineties, widely separated membranelle 1 and membranelle 2, as well as the subequatorially positioned cytostome. Based on the Qingdao population, an improved diagnosis for the poorly known Pleuronema setigerum is: marine slender oval-shaped form, in vivo about 40–50 × 15–20 μm; 3–5 preoral kineties and 14–22 somatic kineties; membranelle 1 and 3 three-rowed, and posterior end of M2a ring-like. The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene for all three organisms were sequenced and analyzed with standard methods.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 50, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 105 - 119 morphology and infraciliature of three marine cyrtophorid ciliates, Dysteria lanceolata Claparède and Lachmann, 1859, Lynchella nordica Jankowski, 1968 and Chlamydonyx paucidentatus Deroux, 1976, collected from the coastal waters of Qingdao, China, were investigated using live observations and the protargol impregnation method. D. lanceolata was oval in body outline, about 65 × 45 μm in vivo, with a subcaudally positioned podite, six to seven right kineties, two or three frontoventral kineties, and two ventral contractile vacuoles. The improved diagnosis for L. nordica and a key to all known Lynchella species are supplied. The rediscovery of C. paucidentatus enables us to accept its taxonomic identification (e.g., separation from a morphologically similar species Trochilioides recta). The genus Trochilioides Deroux, nov. gen., which was a nomen nudum according to ICZN (1999), is re-established.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 57, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 123 - 143 Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 50, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 263 - 287 morphology, the infraciliature, and two stages of physiological reorganization of Hemigastrostyla elongata spec. nov.,isolated from the Yellow Sea near Qingdao (China), are described. The new species differs from the type H. stenocephala, inter alia, by the length of the dorsal bristles and the position of the pretransverse ventral cirri; from H. enigmatica by the number of caudal cirri; and from H. para-enigmatica spec. nov. – established for the H. enigmatica populations from the Yellow Sea – by the arrangement of the postoral ventral cirri and the cortical granulation. A key to the Hemigastrostyla species and some other 18-cirri hypotrichs is provided. Hemigastrostyla szaboi is fixed as type species of Heterooxytricha gen. nov. because the type population lacks the extra cirri which are characteristic for Hemigastrostyla. In addition, Oxytricha geleii is assigned to this new genus, whose species have, like many oxytrichids, 18 frontal-ventraltransverse cirri, but a Gonostomum dorsal kinety pattern. The old, large, and difficult genus Oxytricha is briefly reviewed, mainly on the basis of the dorsal kinety pattern. Very likely, only species with the Oxytricha pattern belong to this genus. Oxytricha marcili and O. pseudofurcata, which have the Urosomoida kinety pattern (i.e. kinety 3 fragmentation lacking), are transferred to Urosomoida which is, inter alia, defined by a more or less distinctly reduced number of ventral and transverse cirri. Some other Oxytricha species with this kinety pattern (O. islandica, O. lanceolata, O. pseudosimilis, O. setigera) are not transferred to Urosomoida, but preliminarily classified as incertae sedis in Oxytricha, because they have the full set of 18 cirri. The available molecular data on O. lanceolata indicate that this type of 18-cirri hypotrichs likely needs a genus of its own because O. lanceolata does not cluster with O. granulifera, type of this genus. The marine Actinotricha saltans, classified for a very long time in Oxytricha, seems to be a non-dorsomarginalian hypotrich according to molecular data, justifying the reactivation of the old genus Actinotricha. Oxytricha shii has a multiple dorsal kinety 3 fragmentation, three dorsomarginal rows, and the undulating membranes arranged in the Cyrtohymena pattern, strongly indicating that it is a member of the subgenus Cyrtohymena (Cyrtohymenides). This brief review is a further step to unravel the complicated systematics of the old, but still little-known genus Oxytricha. The following new combinations are made in this paper: Cyrtohymena (Cyrtohymenides) shii (Shi et al., 1997) comb. nov.; Heterooxytricha szaboi (Wilbert and Song, 2005) comb. nov.; Heterooxytricha geleii (Wilbert, 1986) comb. nov.; Urosomoida marcili (Paiva and Silva-Neto, 2004) comb. nov.; Urosomoida pseudofurcata (Berger, 1999) comb. nov.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 48, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 171 - 183
Three marine peritrichous ciliates, Zoothamnium alrasheidi spec. nov., Z. marinum Kahl, 1933 and Z. vermicola Precht, 1935, were isolated from littoral areas near Qingdao, China. The living morphology, infraciliature and silverline system were studied in living and silver-impregnated specimens. Zoothamnium alrasheidi is distinguished from its congeners by the giant, leaf-shaped colony, the differentiation of zooids, the structure of the infundibular polykineties and in having 57–75 silverlines between the oral area and the trochal band and 24–42 between the trochal band and the scopula. Zoothamnium marinum and Z. vermicola are reported for the first time in over 70 years. Each was identified by its zooid shape and size, colony shape, the branching pattern of its stalk and its marine habitat. As a result of the present study, additional features for characterizing these species now include the structure of infundibular polykinety 3 and the number of silverlines between the aboral trochal band and (a) the scopula, and (b) the peristomial lip. Redescriptions and improved diagnoses of both species are supplied based on the Chinese populations.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 219 - 234 marine scuticociliates, Pseudoplatynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) nov. comb., Protocyclidium sinica nov. spec., Histiobalantium marinum Kahl, 1933, Porpostoma notata Möbius, 1888, Philaster hiatti Thompson, 1969, Parauronema longum Song, 1995, Uronemella parafilificum Gong et al., 2007, and Paranophrys magna Borror, 1972, collected from Chinese coastal waters, were investigated using live observations and silver impregnation methods. Investigations of a Chinese population of Platynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) reveal that it has a highly strengthened pellicle and distinct spines and thus corresponds well with the definition of Pseudoplatynematum Bock, 1952. A new combination, Pseudoplatynematum denticulatum (Kahl, 1933) nov. comb., is therefore proposed and an improved species diagnosis is supplied. Protocyclidium sinica nov. spec. is characterized by: small body size with buccal field approximately 60% of body length; extrusomes present; 13 or 14 somatic kineties; somatic kinety 1 comprising approximately 24 densely arranged kinetids; somatic kinety n shortened posteriorly; single macronucleus. Additional information is documented on the morphology of six other species of scuticociliates based on the China populations.
Weibo Song
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 54, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 195 - 208 morphology and taxonomy of two new and two poorly known ciliate species of Ancistrum, found in the mantle cavity (mainly on gills) of marine molluscs from culture beds and pools along the Chinese coast of the Yellow Sea, were investigated using living observation and silver impregnation. Ancistrum haliotis n. sp. was isolated from the abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino, A. crassum Fenchel, 1965 from the purple clam Saxidomus purpuratus (Sowerby), A. acutum n. sp. from the surf clam Mactra veneriformis Reeve, and A. japonicum Uyemura, 1937 from both the venus clam Cyclina sinensis (Gmelin) and from Dosinia japonica (Reeve). Ancistrum haliotis differs from its most similar relative A. mytili (Quennerstedt, 1867) by the body outline (anterior portion narrower vs. wider than the posterior portion), the macronuclear shape (broadly ellipsoidal vs. reniform or sausage-like), and by having fewer somatic kineties (28–32 vs. usually more than >40). Ancistrum crassum is characterized by the naked area at the apical end of the cell, the relatively short buccal field occupying about two thirds of the body length, and the posterior-dorsal cone-shaped prolongation. Ancistrum acutum n. sp. and A. japonicum are almost identical in morphometry, but differ distinctly in the live morphology (anterior end pointed and posterior end rounded vs. anterior end narrowly rounded and posterior-dorsal end protruded) and ciliary pattern (all right-side kineties extend to posterior body end vs. all right-side kineties excluding somatic kinety 1 distinctly shortened posteriad, forming a glabrous zone). We neotypify Ancistrum japonicum and discuss the taxonomic status of the four species. Based on an evaluation of all nominal species of Ancistrum and Ancistrumina, we recognize nine valid species of Ancistrum and provide a tabular guide to their identification. Fenchelia Raabe, 1970 is regarded as a junior synonym of Ancistrum Maupas, 1883. We synonymize Ancistrumina nucellae Khan, 1970 with Ancistrum japonicum Uyemura, 1937 and Ancistrum edajimanum Oishi, 1978 with A. crassum Fenchel, 1965.