Sebastian Skuza
Financial Law Review, Issue 7 (3)/2017, 2017, pp. 48 - 60 local self-governments in Poland was unquestionably a proper and necessary step in the transformation of the political and government system. Closing the civilization gap in municipal infrastructure will require a higher level of debt in local self-government units. Therefore, in practice efficient development of local self-government units in the future is affected by amendments to legal provisions related to the capacity and level of debt. Despite their need for funding of infrastructure investments, local self-government units rarely take advantage of public-private partnership. The Author of this paper believes that the perception of local public debt in Poland constitutes the justification of feasibility and necessity of implementing systemic changes, especially regarding limitations of local public debt. The purpose of this paper is to show the problems, which are caused by barriers related to limiting or assuming obligations or increasing fund management efficiency of local self-government units. Accepting solutions proposed by the Author would have a positive impact on the public finance sector, including the state budget and budgets of local self-government units. Such activities may therefore provide consolidation within one entity (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego) of management of bank accounts of local self-government units and increase of the capacity to raise funds, especially for infrastructure investments. Consolidation would have positive influence on short-term liquidity of local self-government units, while elimination of „qualitative” limitations and amendment of classification of expenses related to partially financing the PPP programme fees, would be more important in case of long-term fundraising for performing investment projects.
Sebastian Skuza
Media Management, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 79 - 95 aim of this article is to broaden the current knowledge about changes in the profession of a journalist caused by the digitization and convergence of the media. The authors carried out surveys among journalists, exploring issues related to their opinion on professionalization, the process of changes in the media as well as opportunities and threats indicated by new media.
Sebastian Skuza
Financial Law Review, Issue 12 (4)/ 2018, 2018, pp. 51 - 63 introduction of the so-called holding law into domestic law has been discussed in Poland for some time now. The need to adopt a holding law seems to be unquestionable, however no amendments in this scope have been introduced hitherto. The aim of this article was to discuss mechanisms of corporate governance compliant with Polish law, allowing for improvements in proficiency and effectiveness of audit, internal control and compliance win a capital group. In the Authors' opinion, these issues not only play key role in common achieving of economic aims by capital group mentioned previously, but they are also a part of supranational need of increasing transparency and security of market economy. Also, it seems unquestionable that a de lege ferenda postulate should be submitted concerning introduction of solutions in the scope of the so-called holding law in the law - Code of commercial companies.