Rafał Stankiewicz
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2023 (9), 2023, pp. 284 - 286
Rafał Stankiewicz
Attorney-at-Law, 3 (36), 2023, pp. 137 - 146
https://doi.org/10.4467/23921943RP.23.030.19068This gloss concerns the judgment of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court sustaining the verdict of the Voivod-ship Administrative Court [Polish: Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny, WSA] in Warsaw on the decision regarding registration on the list of attorneys-at-law. The court dismissed two cassation appeals filed by the Board of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law and the Minister of Justice against the judgment of the Voivodship Ad-ministrative Court in Warsaw of May 29, 2019, case file no. VI SA/Wa 2395/18 in a case involving a complaint by J. N. against the decision of the Minister of Justice of October 16, 2018. no. DZP-III-6110-485/18/3 on refusal of entry to the list of attorneys-at-law.
Rafał Stankiewicz
Attorney-at-Law, 2 (31), 2022, pp. 63 - 72
https://doi.org/10.4467/23921943RP.22.017.16880This article presents the issues of the mission of the professional self-government of legal advisers as well as the mission of legal advisers associated with the self-government. The elements defining, in fact, the mission of professional self-government, together with the mission of legal advisers, are determined by the goals set for the profession of legal adviser, being participation in the justice system and supporting a democratic state ruled by law. Art. 17 sec. 1 of the Constitution contains a regulation expressed in the obligation to harmoniously combine the many functions of the self-governments of professions of public trust. Importantly, the function of professional self-government is not only to shape the environmental interests of people performing public trust professions but also to seek to agree them with the public interest. Professional self-governments are primarily committed to the priority of implementing the public interest.
Rafał Stankiewicz
Attorney-at-Law, 2 (31), 2022, pp. 277 - 286
https://doi.org/10.4467/23921943RP.22.033.16896This article presents the issues of the mission of the professional self-government of legal advisers as well as the mission of legal advisers associated with the self-government. The elements defining, in fact, the mission of professional self-government, together with the mission of legal advisers, are determined by the goals set for the profession of legal adviser, being participation in the justice system and supporting a democratic state ruled by law. Art. 17 sec. 1 of the Constitution contains a regulation expressed in the obligation to harmoniously combine the many functions of the self-governments of professions of public trust. Importantly, the function of professional self-government is not only to shape the environmental interests of people performing public trust professions but also to seek to agree them with the public interest. Professional self-governments are primarily committed to the priority of implementing the public interest.