Przemysław Panfil
Financial Law Review, Issue 29 (1)/2023, 2023, pp. 35 - 57 contribution deals with fiscal sustainability understood as “avoiding an excessive increase in government liabilities – a burden on future generations – while ensuring that the government can deliver the necessary public services, including the necessary safety net in times of hardship, and to adjust policy in response to new challenges”. The article aims the analysis of the legal framework for fiscal rules at the level of the EU and the national level in France and Poland. The research problem is to answer the question of how and whether the French and Polish regulations meet the international regulations in the field of fiscal sustainability. According to the research hypothesis, both countries only partially meet the EU requirements. The article is based on the detailed desk research method requiring analysis of the literature, statistical data, and EU and national legal regulations. The general conclusion is that both countries do not fully comply with EU commitments regarding fiscal rules.
Przemysław Panfil
Financial Law Review, Issue 24 (4)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 24 - 42 aim of this article is to provide the synthetic presentation of over twenty years of Poland’s experience in establishing and obeying the system of fiscal rules. This experience depicts the scale of problems entailed by public authorities’ low determination as regards observance of constraints imposed on them. Therefore, it is necessary to substantially reinforce the budgetary frameworks in Poland with the use of the best European models. Firstly, the ESA 2010 standards should be fully implemented into the Polish legal order. Secondly, the Polish system of fiscal rules should be complemented with the budget balance rule, which would make it easier to achieve and maintain a medium-term budgetary objective defined by the EU regulations. Thirdly, a fiscal institution should be established, which would allow for constant and independent of the government monitoring of the observance of fiscal rules. Such institutional changes would make it possible to constrain the discretionary nature of the fiscal policy and, consequently, would increase Poland’s fiscal sustainability in the medium and long term. The basic research methods used in this paper are dogmatic analysis and comparative legal analysis.