Piotr Michalski
Public Health and Governance, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 44-52
https://doi.org/10.4467/20842627OZ.16.007.5569Introduction: The most common cause of ineffectiveness in the treatment of chronic diseases is a lack of cooperation between the patient and the therapeutic team. An important factor that could change the situation is education of the patient, which would allow the patient to assume the role of an expert and become an active participant in the therapeutic process.
The main purpose of the study: The main purpose was to assess the readiness for discharge of hospitalized patients.
Material and methods: The study evaluated 325 chronically ill patients who were hospitalized. On the day of release from the hospital, the patients assessed their preparedness for discharge. Results:Studies showed that in all analyzed aspects of readiness for discharge there are statistically significant differences depending on the type of diagnosed chronic illness in a patient. Conclusions:The readiness for discharge of patients hospitalized because of chronic disease is insufficient
Piotr Michalski
Housing Environment, 39/2022, 2022, pp. 42-52
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.22.012.16590The article presents chosen technological solutions that affect the energy efficiency of multi-family zero-energy buildings – MFZEB. Based on detailed analyzes of 15 buildings built in a climate zone similar to Polish zone, strategies that have direct application in the integrated design process were selected. Both elements and features that can be considered as trends as well as specific cases of MFZEB were indicated. Authors hope that the described problems will contribute to changes in the design of multi-family housing for the 21st century in Poland.
Piotr Michalski
Principia, Volume 27-28, 2000, pp. 361-364