Piotr Banasik
Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 14 (2015), 2015, pp. 57 - 74
In this work the fate of the Krakus Mound, the oldest of all existing Krakow’s mounds, has been presented. The work was carried out based on selected iconographic, cartographic and geodetic documents. Using as an example old views, panoramas of the city and maps, various functions that the Krakus Mound was fulfi lling over its long history were shown. An attempt was made to document the military signifi cance of this mound and the surrounding hills. The particular astro-geodetic importance of the Krakus Mound on the scale of the city and southern Poland region was widely discussed. The Krakus Mound also inscribed itself in the history of the use of GPS technology as well as research on the local determination of the geoid in the area of Krakow.
Piotr Banasik
Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 20 (2021), 2021, pp. 21 - 29
https://doi.org/10.4467/21995923GP.21.002.14973The paper refers to one of the mounds in Kraków – the Esterka Mound. This mound was probably the element of a garden established at the palace in the former village of Łobzów (nowadays a part of the city quarter Kraków-Krowodrza). The available so far information on the mound is scattered all over numerous publications, and sometimes contains errors. This also refers to iconographic materials. In this paper the remaining iconographic and cartographic materials referring to this object were collected and put together in a systematic way. The paper also contains bibliographic documentation of the existing graphic materials showing the mound (panoramas, terrain sketches, maps, photographs). The information available in this article can be used in the plans of revitalizing the Esterka Mound and former royal mansion in Łobzów.
Piotr Banasik
Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 20 (2021), 2021, pp. 97 - 107
https://doi.org/10.4467/21995923GP.21.008.14979The astronomical knowledge on the disc has been coded on two planes: horizontal and meridian. The range of sunrise and sunset directions during the year has been described on the horizontal plane. In turn, on the meridian (vertical) plane, the range of changes in the horizontal height and declination of the Sun in the upper culmination during the year and the Moon in its 18.61-year cycle were described. The relationships between the latitude of the place of observation, the horizontal height of the celestial body and its declination were described by means of geometric constructions. The presented article is a continuation of two publications [1] and [2], which describe the decryption of the Nebra disc. These publications were based on the interpretation of the results of angular measurements, made using a protractor with a scale of 0.5 degrees, without the use of a computer. The presented publication is based on a digital disc image obtained by means of its digitization. The obtained data was used for further calculations based on analytical geometry and graphic programs. This allowed to obtain results in a linear measure with a precision of less than 1 mm.