Paweł Boroń
Technical Transactions, Volume 2 Year 2019 (116), 2019, pp. 97-108 paper presents an analysis of the dynamic response of an overground steel pipeline during a strong mining shock. The analysis was conducted using various calculation methods- a time history (THA), a response spectrum (RSA) and a multiple support response spectrum analysis (MSRS). For the THA and MSRS methods, non-uniform effects of ground excitation were taken into account. During the analyses, the bending moment was calculated. On the basis of obtained results, it can be noted that the non-uniform effects had a significant impact on the dynamic behaviour of the pipeline and it was indicated that the MSRS method led to more accurate estimation than the RSA.
Paweł Boroń
Technical Transactions, Volume 6 Year 2017 (114), 2017, pp. 71-83 this paper, the dynamic response of an overground steel pipeline to a real mining shock is presented. The submodeling method was used in the calculation. Firstly, time history analysis of a simplified beam model of the pipeline (a global model) was conducted. Secondly, the 3D model of a part of the structure over the support was created (a submodel). The submodeling analysis allowed obtaining stress distribution in the bolted connection of the pipeline segments.
Paweł Boroń
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (9) 2016, 2016, pp. 15-29 paper investigates the dynamic performance of a concrete bridge under a sequence of earthquakes. The PGA of the mainshock and the aftershock were comparable. The concrete damage plasticity model of material was assumed to represent the plastic behaviour of the bridge. Firstly, the mainshock was applied to the bridge, then the aftershock was imposed on the structure which had already been weakened by the first shock. The analysis of plastic and damage measures revealed that the aftershock had a considerable effect upon the structure in terms of enlarging zones affected by irreversible strains or additional damage evolution.