Mykola Orlenko
Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 38-44 article deals with the issue of urban development at the Secession period, it reveals the role of a private estate as an urban-planning unit of the late 19th century – beginning of the 20th century, analyses the specific features of private estates in different cities of Ukraine. The role of the historical and architectural site plans in modern conditions for the preservation of the historical environment of the cities was determined.
Mykola Orlenko
Housing Environment, 21/2017, 2017, pp. 109-115 article is devoted to the specific character of the formation of art-clusters as a new type of buildings. Today, the theme of redevelopment of unprofitable industrial enterprises for art objects is extremely relevant for Ukraine and Poland (where a powerful experience of such complexes is accumulated). A feature of such modern establishments is that this is a space of a fundamentally new type, based on fundamentally new principles, where the preserved in its original form, facade and the modern functional content are combined. Since such industrial buildings are often architectural monuments, a complex of the restoration and renovation measures becomes important.
Mykola Orlenko
Housing Environment, 27/2019, 2019, pp. 52-60 principles of the formation of the urban planning space of cities of Western and Central Ukraine during the period of Secession, the role of profitable residential development in the city structure are analyzed. The differences between the Secession development of Lviv, Chernivtsi, Stanislaviv and Kiev are identified, examples of the main ensembles and individual buildings are given. Using the example of the house of architect Władysław Horodecki (the so-called House with Chimaeras), we have highlighted the specific features of restoration of buildings of the era of Secession.
Mykola Orlenko
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2018, 2018, pp. 35-46 article deals with the issue of the significance of architectural monuments in the urban environment. It defines the criteria that single out the most significant objects with regard to urban planning and architectural aspects, where the specialists of the Ukrrestavratsiia (Ukrainian restoration) Corporation worked. The experience of the restoration of architectural monuments is analysed.