History might be presented to visitors in a variety of ways, people usually associate the term “museum” with archeology, painting or sculpture exhibitions. One of the few medical museums, solely devoted to human is located at the Wrocław Medical University in the Department of Forensic Medicine. A large collection of exhibits is in a bigger part a remnant of the pre-war German Institut für Gerichtliche Medizin und Naturwissenschaftliche Kriminalistik. To convey to the younger generations valuable knowledge about museology the Chief of Institute of Molecular Techniques, which is a unit under the Chair of Department of Forensic Medicine, decided to set up a faculty of medical museum education. During classes students were introduced to the legal basis of medical museums, classification of museum preparations, methods of their conservation, and very innovative methods of non-destructive DNA extraction. Students were also acquainted with modern research processes, such as the next-generation DNA sequencing methods. During the course lecturers introduced novel approach to teaching by utilizing audiovisual methods for performing exercises.