Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 22 (2), 2019, pp. 89 - 91
Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 24 (1), 2021, pp. 7 - 30 article contains results of studies on the applicability of data from Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for the purposes of geographical studies regarding the spatial mobility of inhabitants within a big city. The article focuses on the option of applying two types of sub-systems – induction loops and automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) – and includes examples of analyses based on the resulting data, which can serve as a basis for mobility studies. The area on the example of which the capabilities of application of ITS data have been presented is Lodz – a large city in central Poland. The conducted research shows that ITS systems offer an enormous potential in providing data for spatial mobility studies. In order to fully exploit its worth, however, it is imperative to expand the research procedure by including, for instance, the results of qualitative research. Also, the interpretation of results obtained on the basis of ITS data ought to be performed with an awareness of numerous significant preliminary and simplifying assumptions.
Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Geographical Studies, Issue 147, 2016, pp. 119 - 144 aim of the article is to analyze methods of flood risk assessment used in Poland and to compare the results obtained on the basis of these analyses. The analysis involves 21 communes (Polish: gmina), which in the document created by the Department of Security and Crisis Management of the Łódź Municipal Government were referred to as those in which the damage connected with flooding is the biggest. In accordance with the Flood Directive (2007), flood risk is a “combination of the probability of a flood event and potential adverse consequences for human health, the natural environment, and culturaland economic activity” (Flood Directive of 2007, Art. 2 Item 2). The article uses the methodology implemented in the Flood Control Operating Plan for the Łódź province (2013), Plans of Flood Risk Management (2015), and their results were compared with the author’s interpretation. Research has shown that the biggest discrepancies concerning flood risk levels concern five communes: Uniejów, Działoszyn, Warta, Gidle and Sulejów. This is linked with a different attitude towards flood risk. Regrettably, there still exists no reliable method of risk assessment, which would greatly facilitate the pursuance of an adequate anti-flood policy.
Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Geographical Studies, Issue 159, 2019, pp. 7 - 24 paper deals with the topic of transport accessibility of Łódź using data from Intelligent Transportation Systems, in this case from cameras allowing automatical identification of number plates (ANPR), locatedon the city’s 23 intersections. The paper has two aims. The first one is of methodological nature and focuses on assessing the usefulness of the data from ITS for geographical research. Not only does the paper present some ways of using data and conducting analyses with the use of these data but it also compares their results with research concerning similar phenomena measured by different sets of data (theoretical accessibility and data obtained from the Distance Matrix Responses provided by Google Maps APIs). The latter, in turn, is cognitive and it comes down to a slightly more local dimension, namely showing the internal transport accessibility of Łódź. In the light of the ANPR data it was determined that the internal transport accessibility of Łódź is much worse than the theoretical accessibility or the accessibility measured with the use of data obtained from the Distance Matrix service. The greatest differences in average travel times between the data from ANPR and the two remaining methods concern primarily the north-western part of the city, whereas the smallest – the central and southern areas, where a substantial part of intersections is covered by a system of cameras.
Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Geographical Studies, Issue 140, 2015, pp. 57 - 77 main objective of this paper is the evaluation of land use in the areas exposed to flooding in respect of the potential loss of property in three towns – Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Kutno and Łowicz. Spatial development was investigated by the analysis of land use, using Topographic Data Base and field research areas within i.e. the 100-year flood zones. Land use was presented using GIS methods. In the Łowicz area the valley bottom of the Bzura river is very wide, especially in its western and eastern parts, which are built-up ( the central section of the river within the town administrative boundaries was embanked ). Tomaszów Mazowiecki is a town where smaller tributaries flow into the Pilica river, which is why the valley bottom reaches a considerable size, thus fostering residential development. Tributaries, especially the Czarna, Piasecznica ( in Tomaszów Mazowiecki ) and Ochnia rivers ( in Kutno ), create a sense of security among the users of these areas. This leads to intensification of land development in these areas and an increase in potential adverse consequences in the event of flooding. The analysis of flood risk levels is of a great importance and it enables authorities to conduct a suitable anti-flood protection policy.
Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society, 23 (3), 2020, pp. 15 - 28 aim of the conducted research was to assess how the elderly viewed the functioning of public transport, with Łódź, a large city in Poland, as the example. The data presented in the article originates from research of 400 inhabitants aged 60+ was conducted in the district of Bałuty in Łódź at the turn of November and December 2018. On the basis of the questionnaire survey (which contained questions concerning the use of local public transport by the over 60s for daily journeys and was accomplished by CAPI and MOBI methods) it was found that the over 60s have quite a high opinion of the offer of the municipal transport company MPK (they hardly ever use services of other carriers). As for the means of public transport, the tram is rated slightly higher compared to the bus. The results of the research enable the proposal of general recommendations for the transport policy in Łódź. This policy should be focused to a larger degree on: shortening the waiting time and, consequently, increasing the frequency of connections and punctuality, while continuing to provide high travel comfort, increasing the level of accessibility to stops and enhancing the clarity of information with regard to fare prices and exemptions.