Marek Rutkowski
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Issue 12(1), 2013, pp. 79-85
The aim of this article is analysis of deciding factors of partnership between the entities on the market of tourist services, it presents importance of trust between firms as the factor to relationship development, although it is not strong point of current cooperation in the analysed market. The important factors of partnerships are: transparency of principles of cooperation between analysed entities, sense of direction to mutual benefits, good flow of information, understanding expectations, commitment and sense of direction for the long-term cooperation. Creating partnership relations is largely the result of a certain type of evolution. Forming long-term relations between the entities that participate on the market of tourist services can bring many advantages, such as, for example: improvement of the quality of tourist services, reducing the risk related to the procurement of services and improvement in communication between the entities on the market of tourist services. The benefits listed influence the mutually positive perception of partners as well as motivate for further development of longlasting, positive relations on the market of tourist services, thanks to which the engaged entities build a competitive advantage on the market.