Marcin Jakubczyk
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 20 - 28
Duchênebillot and Malicki: the first two French grammars published in Polish
The article analyzed the first two Polish-French grammars published in Poland at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They are: Nouvelle methode très facile pour aprendre un peu de tems à lire, écrire & parler François... – Nowy sposób do nauczenia się łatwo i prędko czytać, pisać i gadać po francusku (F.D. Duchênebillot 1699) and Klucz do języka francuskiego, to jest Gramatyka polsko-francuska (B.K. Malicki 1700).
Marcin Jakubczyk
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 13, Issie 1, Volume 13 (2013), pp. 29 - 37
Use of the term equivocation in French seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (grammarians and homonymy)
The phenomenon of homonymy, now located within the semantics, it was included in days of old, in accordance with the then current state of knowledge of the language, to the grammatical descriptions. Homonyms (including homophones and homographes) was determined in the seventeenth-century French grammars as mots équivoques, so equivocations (Polish former: ekwiwok, ekiwok). The article analyzed the lists of equivocations contained in grammars published in the seventeenth century in France and in the first two Polish-French grammars published in Poland at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.