Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, pp. 371-377 thermal comfort conditions of multi-family buildings, including large panel buildings, are rarely analyzed. Simulations of large panel buildings conducted by authors in the Design Builder program show very unfavorable microclimate conditions in buildings after thermal modernization. The simulation results of the influence of internal and external shadings on the thermal comfort of dwellings in multi-family large panel building are presented in this article.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , 2014, pp. 195-200 is estimated that about 4 million flats in Poland are made of prefabricated elements in different systems. Moreover, at present more than 10 million Poles live in system buildings. Despite the commonness of those buildings the analyses of the microclimate of the interior space are very rare. The paper presents the results of the thermal comfort measurements conducted in different flats of multi-family panel building made in W70 system. It appears there is a problem with the overheating effect during the summer months in all parts of the building.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, pp. 379-387 analyzing large panel buildings, it is very rare to take into consideration the requirements connected with the overheating effect. This issue is closely related to the thermal comfort of the building, especially during the summer months. Based on the simulations conducted in the Design Builder program, the authors determined the influence of building orientation, individual flat location and thermal insulation on the thermal comfort of the different flats of a large multi-family panel building.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 1-B (6) 2016, 2016, pp. 73-78 analyzing large panel buildings, it is very rare to take into consideration the requirements connected with the overheating effect. The paper presents the results of the annual computational simulations of thermal comfort conducted for one flat of W70 multi-family large panel building. Basing on the simulations the authors analyzed the influence of night cooling on thermal comfort inside the flat. Different simulation steps were taken into consideration: windows with and without shading systems, opened during entire night or just during given periods of time to keep specific thermal conditions.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (28) 2015, 2015, pp. 15-20
When analyzing large panel buildings, it is very rare to take into consideration the requirements connected with the overheating effect. The paper presents the results of the annual computational simulations of thermal comfort conducted for one flat of W70 multi-family large panel building. Basing on the simulations the authors analyzed the influence of night cooling on thermal comfort inside the flat. Different simulation steps were taken into consideration: windows with and without shading systems, opened during entire night or just during given periods of time to keep specific thermal conditions.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Architecture Issue 8 A (15) 2014, 2014, pp. 199-206 paper presents the analysis of the relation between window thermal transmittance and the window shape, size, frame profile, glazing type and opening area division. The analysis was performed in the Window 6.3 program developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which has the possibility of a comprehensive analysis of the heat flow through the various types of windows, according to the current assessment procedure developed by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) and comply with ISO 15099. For the purpose of the analysis a number of computer simulations of various window frames were conducted.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, pp. 335-342 paper presents an attempt at assessing the impact of how the type of construction of a building influences the thermal comfort of office rooms with a large area of glazing, in summer months. The results of simulations are presented for a two-storey office building. The calculations were carried out in the Design Builder program. Simulations were carried out for the climate in Poland, which allowed for assessment of the conditions for the thermal comfort of the building in the spring and summer. The main aim of the analysis was to determine how the material and design solutions as well as the applied glazing and shades influence the protection of the building against overheating and the thermal comfort conditions.
Małgorzata Rojewska-Warchał
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , 2014, pp. 201-206 paper presents the results of the annual computational simulations conducted for the W70 panel building. The calculations were carried out in the Design Builder program which allows preparing the simulation of the building envelope as well as the separate parts of the building interior. It is very rare to considerate the requirements connected to the overheating effect in the panel buildings. This issue is closely related to the thermal comfort in the building, especially during the summer months. Based on the conducted simulations, authors indicated the influence of building orientation, individual flat location and thermal insulation on the thermal comfort in the different flats of prefabricated panel building.