Magdalena Żurko
Developmental Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 103-123 into the impact of web-mediated communication on the quality of close friendship present two views: some provide results indicating positive effect (immediate beginning of a friendship, deepening relationships), while the others point to the risk of trivializing the human relationship. The correlation was investigated between the frequency of online contacts and the perceived quality of friendship in three age groups: late adolescents, emerging adults and young adults (643 subjects in total), as well as the moderating influence of the attitude towards the Internet (open / overwhelmed attitude). The research was carried out with the use of questionnaires Quality of Friendship (KJP)by Magdalena Żurko and Internet Interpersonal Relations (KIRI) by Dorota Chmielewska-Łuczak. A positive relationship occurred in the group of adolescents and the group of emerging adults. The attitude towards the Internet tuned out not to play a moderating role in the tested relationships in any of the age groups.