Łukasz Kołoczek
Principia, Volume 49, 2007, pp. 191 - 205
Łukasz Kołoczek
Principia, Volume 63, 2016, pp. 109 - 130
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843887PI.16.005.7644In the present article, I enter into a discussion with Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz’s proposed translations included in his book Formy istnienia [Forms of existence]. They concern Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit and depart from the Polish tradition of translating Heidegger. Rymkiewicz proposes translating Sein as ‘istnienie’ (rather than ‘bycie’), and Dasein as ‘przebywanie’. Although not justifying his decisions, the author does put forward an elaborate interpretation of Heidegger’s work in the new terminology. The present article explores the reading of Heidegger that Rymkiewicz propounds by means of these different translations. I argue that his interpretation is at odds with Heidegger’s conception. Rymkiewicz places great emphasis on the phenomenological side of Heidegger’s project, failing to appreciate its hermeneutical component. As a consequence, he treats existence as given, which, although perhaps justified in phenomenological terms, entirely misses the point of Heidegger’s idea of Sein. That is the fundamental accusation against the term ‘istnienie’. I also reveal inconsistencies in these propositions as they appear on other levels of Heidegger’s text.