Krzysztof Dziekoński
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Issue 12(2), 2013, pp. 76-81
Increasing integration of the world economy highlights the value of a company’s ability to compete globally. External economic conditions require an active search for ways to an-swer to increased competition. One such method is the search for synergies arising from cooperation with other firms and institutions and in particular with research institutions. An accepted and effective form of such cooperation is to create clusters. Enterprises that operate in clusters increase their competitiveness and productivity (usually through specialization). The article presents results of studies evaluating the possibility of a cooperation in busi-ness processes in the Podlaski Metalworking Cluster. The study was conducted in 2009 and 2010 as the research project „Role and impact of implementing a process approach to the organization and functioning of cluster initiatives”. The project was financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.