Katarzyna Fela
Technical Transactions, Volume 11 Year 2017 (114), 2017, pp. 117-126
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.17.188.7423Animal blood plasma contains ~91% water and requires concentration prior to it been dried. Our studies concerned the suitability of membrane technology. The efficiency of the investigated filtration process for membranes was stable over time, and displayed no tendency to clog. The protein level in obtained filtrates ranged from 0.15-0.26%. Increased content of protein in the concentrate is a function of the degree of plasma concentration. For the raw material containing 6.05% proteins, with 2.3 times the concentration, it was 13.84% and with 3 times the concentration, it was 18.24%. The filtration efficiency increases with the temperature of the process but decreases with increased levels of concentration. For both of the investigated membranes the permeability was similar; however, the 0.07 μm membrane had higher filtration efficiency by an average of 30%.
Katarzyna Fela
Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-S (11) 2016, 2016, pp. 87-96
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.16.197.5946Dried animal blood plasma, which is offered to the market as a feed product, should meet appropriate standards of quality and epidemiological safety. That is why blood drawing, its transportation, storage and processing must be performed with absolute observance of the principles of hygiene and sanitation. The paper discusses the possibilities of application of techniques used in the food industry for the pretreatment of animal blood plasma to ensure a high quality of the final product. Both the proper treatment of this by-product from the animal’s production as well as its recycling and re-use as a feed or food additives are examples of practical use of cleaner production methods.