Katarzyna Białożyt
Labor et Educatio, 3 (2015), 2015, pp. 473 - 476
Katarzyna Białożyt
Labor et Educatio, 4 (2016), 2016, pp. 343 - 346
Katarzyna Białożyt
Labor et Educatio, 1 (2013), 2013, pp. 75 - 87
Th e labour market is dominated by young and resourceful people and that is why people aged 50 and above, especially women, do have problems fi nding or changing a job. Our country presents the lowest in Europe index of job off ers addressed to 50+ people. People aged 50 and above seem to be marginalised in Poland, especially on the labour market, regardless of their gender.
Katarzyna Białożyt
Disability, Issue 34 (2019), 2019, pp. 114 - 130
Selected areas of activity of Polish seniors in the light of the European Reports of the Active Aging Index
The article is a comparative review and applies a desk research method based on the analysis of the data from literature, reports, expert opinions. The aim of the article is to discuss issues related to Active Ageing Index (AAI), with particular focus on the data concerning Poland.
Katarzyna Białożyt
Disability, Issue 24 (2016), 2016, pp. 60 - 79
https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561.NP.16.004.6830The subject of the article discusses the issues associated with the ethical dimension of social work with the older person and disabled. The increasing number of older people with a disability generates new challenges and difficulties in the area of social services, especially social work. The article presents the most important ethical principles which should be followed in social work, and identified and discussed national and international documents which are the base of the standards and ethical principles.
Katarzyna Białożyt
Issues in Social Work, Volume 18, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 153 - 160
Older people are beginning to constitute the largest social group in the overall structure of the Polish population. Today’s seniors are significantly different from their peers before 10–20 years. Currently, a large group of older generation wants to continue to be active, full members of society. In order to decrease the negative attitudes towards old age and valorization of this period of life arise various kinds of institutions that focus on the constructive use of the potential of seniors while creating the conditions for self-realization. In this paper are shown different forms of impacts on seniors who join in the life of the local community by participating in the Centre for Ageing Support Caritas Archidiocese of Krakow. Thanks to the commitment of the oldest generation in this type of activity it becomes possible overall impact on an elderly man who despite the loss of biological may experience a high quality of life.