Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 16, Issue 3, Volume 16 (2023), pp. 447 - 448
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.23.032.18396Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 7, Issue 4, Volume 7 (2014), pp. 629 - 645
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.14.044.3546Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 12, Issue 2, Volume 12 (2019), pp. 205 - 222
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.19.008.10669The institution of transferring of criminals, which was regulated in articles 642-650 of the Polish Penal Procedure Code of 1928, was an element of the development of the Polish penal procedure in the interwar period. The Code’s regulation consisted of three elements: regulation on transferring criminals to Poland, transferring of criminals by Poland and transport of prisoners. The regulation contained in the Code were supplementary to regulations of international law and constitutional regulations. In the following paper the roots of the regulation were presented as well as it’s characteristics and the changes of the regulation which occurred during the communist period.
Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 10, Issue 1, Volume 10 (2017), pp. 197 - 199
Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 12, Issue 3, Volume 12 (2019), pp. 473 - 475
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.19.022.10943The XXIVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians was organized by Faculty of Law and Administration of University of Warsaw from 14th through 17th June 2018. This years’ conference was devoted to the issues of norms and legal practice, what was reflected in most of speeches given dur- ing the conference. The organizers gathered nearly 80 speakers who about 20 countries, including non-European states (United States, Israel). As usually, the biggest group of young legal historians represented the host country. There were 6 representatives of University of Warsaw, 4 from Jagiellonian University and 3 from University of Gdansk. As well University of Bialystok as University of Lodz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw had one representative during the XXIVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians.
Jakub Pokoj
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 421 - 422
https://doi.org/10.4467/20844131KS.20.031.12527The XXV Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians was organized by three Belgian universities: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universitélibre de Bruxelles, and UniversitéSaint-Louis Bruxelles. It took place from 5th through 8th June, 2019. This years’forum concerned identity and citizenship, what was echoed in vast majority of the conference papers. The conference consisted of nearly 90 scholars representing more than 20 states, including non-European countries. As usual, the host country’s delegation presented the largest group of young legal historians. 6 speakers were representing the University of Warsaw, 3 Jagiellonian University, and 2 the University of Gdansk. The universities of Bialystok and Lodz, had one representative each during the Forum.