Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (23) 2015, 2015, pp. 3-14
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.158.4333The present paper is related to the motorway overbridge, the technical state of which has been showing deficiencies related mainly to the presence of cracks. Verification of the design and construction documents was carried out prior to advanced analysis which covered the construction process with phases, loads acting in various periods of time as well as the progressing ground deformations. Conclusions drawn on the basis of the analysis results are not typical because the emergency situation is resulting from many simultaneously acting factors. The level of the reduction of the safety margin of the bridge has been estimated.
Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 1-B (2) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1
The aim of the paper is formulation of equations expressing interaction among moving inertial
loads of pedestrians and cyclists and a footbridge. The equations of motion of all interacting
structures was shown. The fundamental matrices relations representing the interaction of all
substructures and a deck was presented. The shown formulas allow to analysis of responses of
structures with simultaneous excitations of forces changing in time and space, inertial moving
loads, tuned mass dampers and kinematic excitations.
Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Volume 6 Year 2019 (116), 2019, pp. 119-134
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.19.065.10618This paper presents a sensitivity analysis related to the solution of a stationary, linear system of second order equations of motion obtained by the Finite Element Method. The Direct Differentiation Method was presented in this paper. The essence of this method is the explicit differentiation of the system of equations with respect to parameters. As a result, derivatives of vectors and matrices are obtained. The necessary material derivatives of vectors and matrices associated with the simplest 3D beam element are presented. Sensitivity analysis consists in searching for changes in physical quantities in relation to selected parameters. Ultimately, the sensitivity analysis comes down to calculating derivatives of specific functions with respect to parameters. Real and continuous design variables are considered.
Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Volume 6 Year 2019 (116), 2019, pp. 135-148
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.19.066.10619This paper is a continuation of the first part [7] where basic relations and derivatives related to the sensitivity analysis of the standard 3D beam element have been derived. This part presents the sensitivity analysis of dynamic response of a flat frame using the Direct Differentiation Method for harmonic and seismic excitations separately. Harmonic excitations are typicaly found if some equipment is placed on the stories of industrial buildings. In that case the practical benefit of determining the structure response and its derivatives allows to determine, for example, the vibration comfort of staff and determine the impact of particular structural parameters on the level of comfort. With regard to seismic excitations, determining the response of a structure and its derivatives allows to determine the level of impact of individual parameters on the response.
Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), 2018, pp. 77-94
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.18.180.9668The paper presents an example of the determination of moment resistance for a liner tray restrained by sheeting according to the rules given in standard PN-EN 1993-1-3 [12].
Henryk Ciurej
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.069.1846Geometrically non-linear stress and strain fields resulting from loads and prestressing are a specific property of box cross-sections. Their importance in the meaning of a calculation precision is evaluated in various ways by authors. Simultaneously, design of any structure – also of a box cross-section – is strictly connected with a correct evaluation of the stress level in materials, linearity of their behaviour and cracks appearance. This work is focused on the presentation of the existing theorical models describing the “shear lag” effect influence on the distribution of the local strain and stress in materials in box cross-section. The presentation is followed by their evaluation according to the agreements of their results with measurements results obtained on a real structure. PC bridge of a box cross-section, built as cantilever is the chosen example for comparison. Discussion of the scale of the effect influence completes the presentation of this work.