Université de Bourgogne-Franche Comté – Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité, Besançon
Hadrien Bru
ELECTRUM, Volume 30, 2023, pp. 197-209 order to study the cult of Zeus Nikatôr, six Greek inscriptions (one from northern Syria and five from southern Anatolia) are gathered and commented. The origin, the diffusion and the longevity of the cult are evoked, since it was vivid until the IIIrd century A.D. in the eastern Mediterranean, mainly in southern Taurus (Pamphylia, Lycia, Pisidia and Phrygia Paroreios). Accordingly, also in connection with onomastics and numismatics, the Seleucid memory and the remembrance of Seleucos I are discussed, from Hellenistic times to the Roman Imperial period, and beyond.
Hadrien Bru
ELECTRUM, Volume 27, 2020, pp. 149-171 the perspective of a complete external prosopography of the Pisidians in progress, this article presents a commented catalogue of 61 persons who lived on the island of Rhodos and in its Carian Peraia from the 3rd century BCE to the beginning of the Roman Imperial period. Concerning those slaves, mercenaries, artists, craftsmen or merchants, a historical context is provided, then remarks on their juristic, social and economical status. The evoked documentation is based on inscribed monuments—mainly funerary—and amphora stamps.