wyb. Ludwika Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wrocław
Grzegorz Nowak
Developmental Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2018, pp. 83-95
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843879PR.18.018.9359The aim of the study was the investigation of the generalized sense of self-efficacy, the intensification of health behaviors and the level of life satisfaction, as well as the analysis of the relationships between these variables in people with specific interests and knowledge related to health and its promotion. The study group consisted of 252 dietetics students. The following validated scales were used: Inventory of Health-Related Behaviors (IHRB), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). In the examined group the self-efficacy was significantly higher in relation to the Polish normative values. Similary, healthrelated behaviors were significantly higher in the examined group in comparison to the normative values. However, the level of satisfaction with life was comparable to that obtained in the Polish standardization studies. Further analysis revealed in the study group a weak but significant correlation between the generalized self-efficacy, the inventory of health-related behaviors, and the satisfaction with life. Dietetics students with high GSES scores had significantly greater life satisfaction, and therefore were more content with their current life and the educational choices they had made, which translate into the health-related behaviors.