Gerard Kosmala
Geographical Studies, Issue 164, 2021, pp. 47-74 presence of the so-called „Lokalne Grupy Działania” (Local Action Groups, LAGs) has been clearly recognizable in the Polish rural and small-town landscapes for at least a dozen years. By under taking activities on various grounds they obviously support local development, being – at the same time – a source and an effect of local entrepreneurship. According to the principle ”think globally, act locally”, LAGs realize tasks in the field of local tourism development, in terms of tourism facilities, formation of human capital, and tourism promotion. The latter is the goal of the research in this paper. The research resulted in a determination of the broad range of promotional activities and tools used by LAGs. Simultaneously, their effectiveness and the range of influence were evaluated and common good practices in the field of tourism promotion were described. Apart from the generally positive evaluation of tourism promotion provided by LAGs and based on their knowledge on the local tourism potential, specific conditions negatively affecting the durability of results and the period of influence of the promotional message were indicated.
Gerard Kosmala
Technical Transactions, Architecture Issue 10 A (23) 2014, 2014, pp. 19-46 are tired of mass tourism and are therefore seeking places and experiences they could call genuine and different. In city tourism, focus is being increasingly shifted towards direct and authentic experience of urban space through spontaneous contact with the space itself and the inhabitants who create it. The authors, on the basis of three Polish cities being known as tourist destinations, analyzes the role of backyards and lanes in building up the identity of a city and the way their image as a tourist attraction is created.