Fulgence Manirambona
Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 14 La terre, le territoire, la carte, 2018, pp. 19-35
https://doi.org/10.4467/23538953CE.18.007.8830This article aims at analyzing the territorial reconfiguration of Africa within the novel of contemporary diaspora. In fact, this diaspora hold a fictional speech that is off‐centre to the homeland. This one is thus considered on haw it opens gates to further spaces making thence an endless area or space with moving frontiers in a writing of traverse. This representation of Africa appears, in addition, in the kinds of dialectics of here and there. It reflects the living manners of these writers negotiating ways with the universal environment. The special referents portray no cases to answer and hence belong to the global world including all geographies. Fictionalizing this transnational space shows a kind of writing in the quest for the universal picture excluding but any accuracy about territorial membership in short.