Filip Łękawski
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 95-106 Frotress in Koblenz is a complex of Prussian fortifications erected at the begnining of the 19th century. After declassification of fortress, all buildings and elements were intended for demolition. Fortunately, value and cultural significance were noted. Main aim of article is to get acquainted with properly functioning example of the revitalized fortress in Koblenz and its influence on the development of the city over the centuries. There is also conducted an attempt to identify the value of the revitalization project in a sense of economy, social and architectural aspects.
Filip Łękawski
Housing Environment, 21/2017, 2017, pp. 140-151
The goal of this paper is a confrontation of a study-based and idealistic design approach with the strategy of pragmatic / professional designing for a specific investor. It has the form of a comparative narration of a diploma dissertation with the current design-related activities, soon to be investment activities, referring to the Modlin Fortress. This allows to juxtapose hierarchies of values adopted in both cases and verify the legitimacy of premises underlying the decisions taken in the planning and designing process, and in the context of works of a design team, of mutual proportions in the contribution of pe ople influencing the design, and the order of performance of individual investment tasks.