Dorota Koziarska
Developmental Psychology, Volume 24 Issue 2, 2019, pp. 87-99 main aim of the study was to analyse the cross-reference between individualised means of experiencing a disease (assessment of its signifi cance), as determined by the level of disability and selected psychosocial factors, and the period of life of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. The following were used in the study: Disease-Related Appraisals Scale, Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, Expanded Disability Status Scale EDSS and the original questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics. The study showed that patients with a chronic disease show a statistically signifi cant differentiation in terms of the meaning attributed to disease as the benefi t and obstacle. Moreover, the age of the patients under study also shows differentiation with respect to the signifi cance of particular factors for the means of experiencing the disease (assessment of its signifi cance). The fi ndings obtained in the course of the present study indicate the importance of unique and typical determinants of functioning of patients with Multiple Sclerosis, as well as point to the signifi cance of the factor of age which should be taken into account in the work of interdisciplinary teams providing care to this population of patients.