Daniel J. G. Lahr
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 48, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 127-142
The taxonomic identity in microbial eukaryotes remains an impediment to discussing ecology, biogeography and phylogeny, mainly due to a lack of standards in organism descriptions and few comparative works. The lobose testate amoebae (Arcellinida) present an ideal study system, as progress is severely hindered due to taxonomic confusion. In the present survey, we have examined the morphology, biometry and ecology of 2400 individuals in the genus Arcella Ehrenberg, 1832, collected from the Tiete River in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We then contrasted these new data with 26 previously described species, varieties and forms, looking for consistencies and trying to establish distinct entities. Using a combination of morphology and multivariate statistics we were able to determine 4 distinct taxa (Arcella hemisphaerica, Arcella discoides, Arcella gibbosa and Arcella brasiliensis), each of them encompassing a number of other non-distinct nominal taxa. We describe in detail each of the 4 taxa with notes on ecology and biogeography, and list the indistinguishable names in an effort to make identification and taxonomy in the testate amoebae a more objective and precise exercise by clarifying the taxonomic identity.
Daniel J. G. Lahr
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 51, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 305-318
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.12.024.0784We describe the amoeboid isolate ATCC© 50593™ as a new taxon, Telaepolella tubasferens n. gen. n. sp. This multinucleated amoeba has filose pseudopods and is superficially similar to members of the vampyrellids (Rhizaria) such as Arachnula impatiens Cienkowski, 1876, which was the original identification upon deposition. However, previous multigene analyses place this taxon within the Gracilipodida Lahr & Katz 2011 in the Amoebozoa. Here, we document the morphology of this organism at multiple life history stages and describe data underlying the description as a new taxon. We demonstrate that T. tubaspherens is distinct from Arachnula and other rhizarians (Theratromyxa, Leptophrys) in a suite of morphological characters such as general body shape, relative size of pseudopods, distinction of ecto- and endoplasmic regions, and visibility of nuclei in non-stained cells (an important diagnostic character). Although Amoebozoa taxa generally have lobose pseudopods, genera in Gracilipodida such as Flamella and Filamoeba as well as several organisms previously classified as protosteloid amoebae (e.g. schizoplasmodiis, cavosteliids and Stemonitales) present filose pseudopodia. Thus, classification of amoeboid organisms merely by filose-lobose distinction must be reconsidered.