Danica Košičanová
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, pp. 237-244
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.242.3330This paper provides a tabular analysis of an “outdoor air-water” heat pump in heating and domestic hot water system inside a multi-occupancy dwelling house. The study set out to compare a conventional system using the city’s district heat supply with one using an “outdoor air-water” heat pump. One part of the analysis is the energy performance of the renewable energy source. The study is also addressed the benefits of saving on conventional heat source and the period of financial return on the heat pump investment.
Danica Košičanová
Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 3-B (8) 2014, 2014, pp. 259-264
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.245.3333The paper discusses the issue of prediction of electric energy production using a photovoltaic system which is directly installed at the administrative building. The problem with solar energy, which has been transformed using photovoltaic systems for electricity, is the low capacity to accumulate an excess of produced electricity. This excess of electricity we link within the power grid to send outside the building where the energy was produced to be consumed elsewhere. In this way, we achieve the highest possible utilisation of electricity produced within the boundaries of thebuilding itself. One option is to create opportunities to recharge electric vehicles during working hours, at the time when the production of electricity is the highest but the consumption of electricity is not.