The first case of prostatitis in a ten year old mixed breed dog due to Acanthamoeba genotype T4 is reported. The dog was suffering from kidney dysfunction and was admitted for exploration of its organs by echography. All organs were in normal conditions with the exception of the prostate which showed signs of inflammation. An ultrasound-guided puncture was thus performed for further cytological and microbiological study. When the obtained fluid was observed under the microscope, Acanthamoeba trophozoites were detected in a high number. No other pathogens were isolated. Both culture and PCR were positive for Acanthamoeba genus and the isolate was later identified as genotype T4. Unfortunately at this stage, the dog’s owner decided to reject any kind of treatment or therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of prostatitis in a dog due to Acanthamoeba genus.