Ayfer Genç Yılmaz
Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), Volume 15, 2021, pp. 233 - 250
https://doi.org/10.4467/20827695WSC.21.011.14718The broad definition of the national security concept has always been a highly contested subject in Turkey. Yet, the existing studies have not addressed much‑needed focus on the relationship between this obscure definition of the concept and its impact on police‑military relations. To fill this gap, this paper analyzes police‑military relations in Turkey in light of the historical development of the national security concept. In this regard, in this paper it is argued that the imprecise and all‑encompassing use of national security concept remains unchanged in the aftermath of the civilianization process of the 2000s. As the national security concept continues to maintain its extended meaning, the convergence of police‑military roles persists but gets to be reformulated. Yet, under these circumstances, the police appear to be like the great beneficiary of this convergence of roles as the military tutelage regime came to an end and the civilian control of the military has been fully established.