Augustyn Lorenc
Technical Transactions, Mechanics Issue 1-M (4) 2014, 2014, pp. 115-128 purpose of this article is to propose the concept of an integrated system-wide approach to the management of urban freight transport. This work also addresses the aspects of environmental and social impacts from the road freight transport in a confrontation with modern and eco-efficient solutions in this area taken in cities areas the world.
Augustyn Lorenc
Technical Transactions, Volume 5 Year 2018 (115), 2018, pp. 149-162 most important factors conditioning the competitiveness of a warehouse are time and money. A randomly or improperly chosen storage process influences three types of costs: the movement of goods, waiting time, transportation costs. To increase the effectiveness of goods completion, i.e. to decrease processing time and cost, appropriately selected methods of product classification are used. In the article, the authors have done simulations of product classification for an ABC analysis, an ABC analysis together with a COI index, an ABC analysis together with an XYZ analysis, a COI index only, and the method of free product storage places. Simulations were made for two variants taking into account the need and there is no need to shifting products on the completion trolley during the whole completion process.
Augustyn Lorenc
Technical Transactions, Volume 12 Year 2019 (116), 2019, pp. 163-172 paper focuses attention on the problem of increased risks during the loading and unloading of railway tankers. To evaluate the risk which may occur during loading dangerous goods into tanker trains, the loading processes have been divided into seven stages. Based on HIRA risk analysis, for each stage of improvements, Quick Kaizen tasks were proposed. Special attention was paid to possible improvements in technical means, tools and processes. Thanks to the proposed improvements, it is possible to increase safety, not only during the loading of dangerous goods, but also in cases of loading and transportation of standard cargoes.
Augustyn Lorenc
Technical Transactions, Mechanics Issue 1-M (4) 2014, 2014, pp. 63-70 article raises the question of the optimal choice based on time, cost and safety, of road cargo routes between Poland and Russia. The analysis includes twelve routes running through Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine depending on the estimated costs and travel time. To choose the optimal route, AHP method was used. The article also addresses the issues of safety and liability of the carrier.
Augustyn Lorenc
Technical Transactions, Volume 12 Year 2017 (114), 2017, pp. 197-211 the article, the impact of monitoring systems on the possibility of lowering costs and improving the flow of information in the transport chain has been analysed. For the analysed transport chain, tree variants have been taken into consideration: variant I – without using systems for monitoring location, variant II – container transportation with using systems for monitoring location, variant III – container transportation with using location monitoring and cargo parameters. The conducted tests made it possible to confirm the benefits of implementing this type of system, especially for high-value goods. In the article, a simulation for 50,000 cases of container transportation was done. The simulation and cost analysis has shown that it is possible to reduce the cost of risk significantly.