Anna Wojnarska
Disability, Issue 28 (2017), 2017, pp. 175 - 191 paper concerns the sense of loneliness and social maldjustment. The sense of loneliness, contrary to loneliness itself, results in negative mental and social consequences. The reasons behind the increasing sense of loneliness are social and moral changes, educational helplessness of the family and school, as well as replacing face-to-face interaction with media supported contacts. Personality factors that correlate with the sense of loneliness are neurotism, introversion, helplesseness, lower self- efficacy and lower self-esteem. Increasing sense of loneliness generates depression, suicidal attempts, aggression, multiple risk behaviour, and victimization. Suggested directions for practical action in diagnosis and social theraphy concentrate mainly on creating opportunities for forming satisfactory models of interpersonal relationships.
Anna Wojnarska
Disability, Issue 24 (2016), 2016, pp. 183 - 199 study contains a review of Polish and global research focusing on the feeling of loneliness in intellectually disabled (ID) people. Research conducted in various ID groups: younger and older people, boys and girls, students in special and integrated classes, people living in special institutions and family homes has been carefully analyzed. The results of the analysis indicate the significance of these variables for the intensity of the feeling of loneliness in ID students and reveal a strong dependence between the feeling of loneliness and depression. The study provided directions for therapy concerning decrease of loneliness and depression in the intellectually disabled group.