Anna Kraśkiewicz
Developmental Psychology, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 53-64
The purpose of the experiment was to examine the effect of atmospheric music on time estimations in a group of teenagers. One hundred and fifty students of a Warsaw secondary school took part in the experiment. It turned out that the number of tunes presented to students influenced their time perception. The estimated duration of a given interval was longer when many as opposed to a few songs were played. Moreover, the tempo of background music modified the effect of number of songs on time perception. When fast songs were played number of tunes influenced time estimations more as opposed to the situation when slow music was presented. Other variables had little or no effect on the respondents’ time perception: gender, perceived tempo of music, liking/disliking of songs and the level of disturbance in performing a cognitive task. In the experiment students made retrospective duration judgment. They answered the temporal questions verbally.