Anca Călin
Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 10 Actes de résistance II, 2016, pp. 43 - 59 this article, resistance is turned into a writing act of rather than a political act. It is about resistance linked to the relation that the author as reader maintains with language. It is by this resistance act that th act of creation comes into being. Here we also draw on the reactions related to the publication of Jean‐Paul Sartre’s work, Qu’est‐ce que la littérature ?, whose principles put back in question the very idea of literature. Here the main focus lies on the criticisms that Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille address directly to Sartre. The polemic between these authors bears on the relation between the writer and his writing, as well as on the nature, value and finality of literature.
Anca Călin
Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 3, 2013, pp. 23 - 37 this article, we approach, in the footsteps of Maurice Blanchot's works, the intimacy of the bond which links the word to the thing, bond inscribed in a double relation, reality / thought and possibility / impossibility. There is no question of assessing their adequacy, but of digging into the intimacy of what exists between them. The between interrogates both the (im)possible of the real to exist and of the thought to designate. His/her writing illustrates this impossibility of the word to translate a real which is, itself, impossible to become true. Does it mean that the real only exists as a transformed reality, in the same way that the word would only exist as an impossible designation? The deformation of thought through the word and of reality through the thing might be connected to a movement which we interrogate beginning with the question of the (im)possible deformation of real through writing.