Aleksandra Jasielska
Developmental Psychology, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 33-49 market specialists no group of consumers is lost. That is why the developmental task of taking on a parental role is automatically combined with the commercialization of parenting. This phenomenon relies on the redefinition of motherhood and fatherhood in terms of the market. Two main tendencies can be observed. The first one is connected with the important description of a parent as a consumer, e.g. treating them as investors, or relating to a typology of shopping mothers. The second one is connected with using psychology for projecting consumer behaviors, e.g. the analysis of parents’ vulnerability to the nag factor or milestone marketing. The possible consequences and the ways to control the commercialization of parenting will be discussed.
Aleksandra Jasielska
Disability, Issue 30 (2018), 2018, pp. 377-400 aim of the article is to present the authoring measurement tool WE06 for the assessment of knowledge about basic emotions: sadness, joy, disgust, anger, surprise and fear. The target group for which the tool is dedicated are children with mild or moderate intellectual disability, whose specificity in the area of knowledge about emotions has been characterized. The theoretical base of the tool has been presented, which is the concept assuming that one of the possible forms of representing knowledge about emotions are mental codes and processes occurring between them. Based on this assumption, a package of 9 tasks was created for each of the basic emotions that refer to the appropriate triad: code, function and process, i.e. image code – perception, verbal code – expression – symbolization and semantic code –understanding – conceptualization. A successive procedure of tool construction has been described, including the particular stages, such as: creation of individual tasks, pilot studies and expert verification. A full set of tasks containing test material, the instruction and the criteria of the assessment has been provided. There has been described the course of the test with the use of the tool and possible areas of its application concerning, among others, social and educational practice.