Aleksandra Januszkiewicz
Public Management, Issue 1 (17), 2012, pp. 9-22
Evaluation capacity building – theory and practice
The article presents the review of literature on the notion, elements and factors influencing development of evaluation capacity. Analysis of practical examples allows to indicate the key factors contributing to development of evaluation culture. Experiences of many countries show that predominant motive to introduce evaluation practice is an outside pressure, as a precondition of external financial support (the World Bank, the European Union). However, in those countries evaluation practice proved to be less developed and durable. International research suggests that countries which introduced evaluation as a consequence of internal forces, connected with reforms of the public sector, developed mature and durable evaluation culture.
Aleksandra Januszkiewicz
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Issue 15(3), 2016, pp. 7-30 paper discusses a process of development of evaluation practice at the local level of self-government in Poland. The author raises the question whether the current practice of evaluation of the projects co-financed by the European Union contributes to building of the evaluation capacity and development of sustainable evaluation culture in Polish local administration.
Research aims. The aim of this study was to analyze the conditions of application of evaluation of the EU projects in communes and counties in Poland, i.e. to examine the scale of evaluation practice, methods of its application, evaluation functions, and factors favouring or limiting development of this practice at the local level.
Methodology.The study was based on a review of literature on evaluation and evaluation capacity building. In the conducted field research complementary quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques were used: computer assisted telephone interviews with representatives of 25 counties and 125 communes in four Polish provinces, in-depth interviews with representatives of 13 local governments, and an analysis of relevant documents.
Key findings.The current process of implementation of the EU funds in Poland has contributed to the development of an evaluation practice at the local level of self-government only to a limited extent. Evaluation is regarded primarily as a formal requirement associated with implementation of EU grants (as accountability instruments), which does not promote evaluation capacity building in the local administration in Poland. The main barrier to the practice of evaluation at the local level is a lack of knowledge about evaluation and a low level of internal motivation for its use. Financial constrains are also important obstacles.