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Data publikacji: 2018
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 2018, Tom 23, numer 1, s. 69 - 76
In permanently introducing this new section to our periodical, we wish to call the reader’s attention to a unique approach we are consciously taking. In a desire to identify impending foci in our field, we have invited the youngest of our colleagues – MA and PhD candidates in social work – to act as our reviewers. Furthermore, considering the vast multitude of scholarly articles published annually, we have asked our students to primarily focus on this segment which is more likely to reflect the most recent findings. That said, we have not set a strict date range in the hope that our reviewers will freely discover or recover studies which might have been overlooked heretofore.
Mia Micevska (2007), Naito, A. Internet Suicide in Japan: Implications for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,12(4), 583-597.
Eva Wachtler (2017), Lam, Ching Man; Liang, Jianqiang; Ng, Guat Tin; Tsui, Ming-sum and Yan, Miu Chung. Youth unemployment: Implications for social work practice, in: “Journal of Social Work”, 17(5): 560-578.
Sylwia Łosiowska (2017), Magdalena Lubińska-Bogacka, System of institutional support for single mothers in Poland, in:“Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej”, Tom 22, numer 1, s. 39–54 .
Informacje: Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 2018, Tom 23, numer 1, s. 69 - 76
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Publikacja: 2018
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
Korekty artykułu:
-Języki publikacji:
PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 965
Liczba pobrań: 617