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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
RIS BIB ENDNOTEData publikacji: 2018
Opuscula Musealia, Volume 25 (2018), Volume 25, s. 135-145
The Geological Museum of the University of Szczecin was founded in 1994. For 24 years the Museum has changed its location several times and last year it finally moved to the Natural Sciences Education and Research Centre of the University of Szczecin. The Museum’s collection holds over 4320 exhibits, including such specimens as minerals, rocks, fossils, meteorites, and sand samples. The most valuable scientific collections are: the specimens of one of the oldest rocks in the world, originated from the Isua Greenstone Belt, Oligocene sand concretions, the so-called Szczecin balls (Germ. Stettiner Kugeln), the collection of minerals with the fluorescence phenomenon on display, and the collection of sand samples from various beaches and deserts. The Museum serves its primary educational function and organises many events, such as geological workshops, trainings, and others.
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Nutman A.P., Bennett V.C., Friend C.R.L., van Kranendonk M.J., Chivas A., Rapid emergence of life shown by discovery of 3,700-million-year-old microbial structures, „Nature” 2016, nr 537.
Nutman A.P., McGregor V.R., Friend C.R.L., Bennett V.C., Kinny P.D., The Itsaq Gneiss Complex of southern West Greenland; the world’s most extensive record of early crustal evolution (3900–3600 Ma), „Precambrian Research” 1996, nr 78.
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Schidlowski M., Appel P.W.U., Eichmann R., Junge C.E., Carbon isotope geochemistry of the 3.7x109-yr-old Isua sediments, West Greenland: implications for the Archaean carbon and oxygen cycles, „Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta” 1979, nr 43.
Shields O., Fossil Butterflies and the evolution of Lepidoptera, „Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera” 1976, nr. 15 (3).
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Zawadzki D., Nowak E.B. Cały świat w Muzeum Geologicznym US, „Przegląd Uniwersytecki” 2017, 1–3.
Informacje: Opuscula Musealia, Volume 25 (2018), Volume 25, s. 135-145
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Instytut Nauk o Morzu, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, ul. Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin
Publikacja: 2018
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1642
Liczba pobrań: 2141