Resources and reputation in the management of universities
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEResources and reputation in the management of universities
Data publikacji: 16.05.2016
Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Tom 2, Numer 1 (2016), s. 1 - 19
Resources and reputation in the management of universities
Reputation of organizations has become an attractive subject of research, absorbing the efforts of researchers from different fields and representing a major challenge for practitioners. The concept of reputation is dynamic and ambiguous, depending on the research perspective adopted and the recipient expected. This article adopts the understanding of reputation from the perceptual perspective, i.e. perception of achievements of the organization in the eyes of its stakeholders. The reputation of universities and its importance for their development were analysed. The results of research carried out among international experts of the higher education sector showed a substantial degree of respondents’ awareness in terms of the perceived importance of reputation for the development of universities, and also contemporary recognition of reputation as a key category of organizational intangible resources. The conclusions of the research can be applied to strategic management, with a focus on a relatively new trend – reputation management.
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Informacje: Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Tom 2, Numer 1 (2016), s. 1 - 19
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Resources and reputation in the management of universities
Resources and reputation in the management of universities
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Publikacja: 16.05.2016
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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