Rola samorządu terytorialnego w kszta³towaniu aktywnooeci osób starszych dziêki zastosowaniu technologii teleinformatycznych i e-usług
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERola samorządu terytorialnego w kszta³towaniu aktywnooeci osób starszych dziêki zastosowaniu technologii teleinformatycznych i e-usług
Data publikacji: 2013
International Business and Global Economy, 2013, Tom 32, s. 147-157
Rola samorządu terytorialnego w kszta³towaniu aktywnooeci osób starszych dziêki zastosowaniu technologii teleinformatycznych i e-usług
The role of local government in shaping active ageing through the use of ICT and e-services
This article aims to identify opportunities to shaping and supporting the active ageing by local
governments through the use of ICT and e-services in the Wielkopolska Province. At the local level,
only 8% of local governments have entries in the strategic documents for supporting the elderly
through ICT. The study found that supporting active ageing is different for rural communities, urban
and urban-rural areas as well as Social Welfare Centers operating at various levels of the government.
In the context of demographic projections an opportunity for development of the region is that 80%
of local governments need to implement schemes for the use of ICT and e-services to support active
ageing in ways to improve communication, mobility, health and safety. Representatives of over 50%
of the Social Welfare Centers and about 30% of local governments decided that the basic benefits
include improving the functioning of elderly people at home and work, and in the community as well
as better health and increased self-reliance. The digital society will see an increasing demand of the
elderly for e-social services, as opposed to e-government services.
Informacje: International Business and Global Economy, 2013, Tom 32, s. 147-157
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Rola samorządu terytorialnego w kszta³towaniu aktywnooeci osób starszych dziêki zastosowaniu technologii teleinformatycznych i e-usług
The role of local government in shaping active ageing through the use of ICT and e-services
Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Publikacja: 2013
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1944
Liczba pobrań: 1074