Forecast of a fire spreading in a large-area shopping hall
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEForecast of a fire spreading in a large-area shopping hall
Data publikacji: 20.12.2018
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2018, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), s. 61 - 76
Forecast of a fire spreading in a large-area shopping hall
The specifics of a forecast fire development in a single fire compartment consisting of a shopping hall characterised by a large area and a relatively low height are analysed in this paper. The fire initiated locally, and after initiation, depending on the ventilation conditions in the zone, more or less intensively spread to the neighbouring areas with or without full development. The propagation of hot exhaust plume was simulated within the environment of the FDS computer code. Three formal models differing in zone size and stacking height have been subjected to analysis. The influence of automatically activated smoke vents has been accounted for.
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Informacje: Czasopismo Techniczne, 2018, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), s. 61 - 76
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Forecast of a fire spreading in a large-area shopping hall
Forecast of a fire spreading in a large-area shopping hall
Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Building Materials and Engineering Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Institute for Computational Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Publikacja: 20.12.2018
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1809
Liczba pobrań: 921