Wojciech Kosiński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 8-A (14) 2015, 2015, s. 89-96
The topic that was given to the authors – that of the academic problem of playing with and the game of architecture, has been researched and analysed by the author with the aim of affirming the fascinating nature of this issue – one that is a worthy academic field. I t is the issue of the outstanding criterion of evaluating works of architecture. The essay has been composed into four chapters, each examining factors ranging from the more general, broad and theoretical, to the more detailed, specific and empirical. The chapters themselves are four distinct parts that, along with their conclusion, make up a complete and coherent work.
Wojciech Kosiński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 2 A (2) 2014, 2014, s. 121-193
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.022.2472The hereby work represents an diagnostic & prognostic analysis, concerning a creation of cities - an actual, and a pointed towards the near future. A basis of the method constructed for research is an extraction of two most important types of conditions. The first of them is/are: a subject/subjects, and the other are: an object/objects. Subjective condition/s are human being/people, hence objective condition/s are projects/real implementations made in scales of: physical/spatial planning, urbanism and architecture. The research upon subjects remains in the sphere of humanist sciences as: philosophy, philosophy, social psychology, sociology, economy, etc. The research upon objects remains in the sphere sciences dealing with a physical space, e.g.: regional, urban and architectural - analysis, theory and design ‒ all of them including aesthetics as a philosophical bridge between theory and praxis. Logical overlapping and mutual penetrating of subjects and objects, reflect in a quality of a city as a place of humans. In the perspective view between: from one side the contemporary crisis in the planning and urban design, and from the second side inevitable growth of cities - hereby field of survey seems to be worth a care, widening and deepening.
Wojciech Kosiński
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 15/2015, 2015, s. 70-83
Na tle analiz pojęcia kompozycji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej, przedstawiono sześć autorskich i współautorskich przykładów realizacyjnych, w aspekcie tejże kompozycji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej. Pojęcie i twórcze wdrożenia wspólnego traktowania kompozycji urbanistycznej i architektonicznej, jako syntezy kreatywnego kształtowania przestrzeni, jest jednym z ważnych osiągnięć naukowych, praktycznych i dydaktycznych szkoły krakowskiej, usytuowanej w Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej. Z tą szkołą identyfikuje się autor artykułu, zarazem autor zaprezentowanych poglądów i zrealizowanych koncepcji projektowych. Zaprezentowane przykłady ukazują staranie, aby kompozycja budowli architektonicznych była sprzężona i skoordynowana z kompozycją otaczającego kontekstu miejskiego i przyczyniała się do świadomego upiększenia miasta.
Wojciech Kosiński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 12-A (27) 2015, 2015, s. 121-156
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.15.375.4994The essay presents a fragment of the latest research that the Author has performed on the topic of the concept of beauty, viewed from the perspective of the cultural changes that took place throughout history, in relation to the spatial creations of cities. Urban aesthetics, so rarely taken into account in modern science, have been given due attention at the point at which theory meets practice. The territorial scope of the research extends from the Middle East and Egypt, through Europe, to the United States of America. The scope of history under analysis includes the time since the beginning of the construction of cities to the break of the XX century ‒ the time of the appearance of the first clear signs of the Modern Movement.