Profesor zw. dr hab., Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rafał Stankiewicz
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 1/2023 (9), 2023, s. 284-286
Rafał Stankiewicz
Radca Prawny, 3 (36), 2023, s. 137-146 to the judgment of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court of December 8, 2022, case file no. II GSK 1225/19 (critical)
This gloss concerns the judgment of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court sustaining the verdict of the Voivod-ship Administrative Court [Polish: Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny, WSA] in Warsaw on the decision regarding registration on the list of attorneys-at-law. The court dismissed two cassation appeals filed by the Board of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law and the Minister of Justice against the judgment of the Voivodship Ad-ministrative Court in Warsaw of May 29, 2019, case file no. VI SA/Wa 2395/18 in a case involving a complaint by J. N. against the decision of the Minister of Justice of October 16, 2018. no. DZP-III-6110-485/18/3 on refusal of entry to the list of attorneys-at-law.
Rafał Stankiewicz
Radca Prawny, 4 (41), 2024, s. 101-108ł Stankiewicz
Radca Prawny, 2 (31), 2022, s. 63-72 artykuł przedstawia problematykę misji samorządu zawodowego radców prawnych oraz misji radców prawnych zrzeszonych w samorządzie. Elementy definiujące w istocie rzeczy misję samorządu zawodowego, a także misję radców prawnych są wyznaczane przez cele postawione przed zawodem radcy prawnego, jakimi są udział w systemie wymiaru sprawiedliwości i wspieranie demokratycznego państwa prawnego. Artykuł 17 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP zawiera unormowanie wyrażające się w nałożeniu na samorządy zawodów zaufania publicznego obowiązku harmonijnego łączenia wielu funkcji. Co istotne, samorząd zawodowy ma nie tylko kształtować środowiskowe interesy osób wykonujących zawody zaufania publicznego, lecz także zmierzać do ich uzgodnienia z interesem publicznym. Samorządy zawodowe stoją w pierwszej kolejności na gruncie priorytetu realizacji interesu publicznego.
The mission of the self-government of attorneys-at-law and its members
This article presents the issues of the mission of the professional self-government of legal advisers as well as the mission of legal advisers associated with the self-government. The elements defining, in fact, the mission of professional self-government, together with the mission of legal advisers, are determined by the goals set for the profession of legal adviser, being participation in the justice system and supporting a democratic state ruled by law. Art. 17 sec. 1 of the Constitution contains a regulation expressed in the obligation to harmoniously combine the many functions of the self-governments of professions of public trust. Importantly, the function of professional self-government is not only to shape the environmental interests of people performing public trust professions but also to seek to agree them with the public interest. Professional self-governments are primarily committed to the priority of implementing the public interest.
Rafał Stankiewicz
Radca Prawny, 2 (31), 2022, s. 277-286 article presents the issues of the mission of the professional self-government of legal advisers as well as the mission of legal advisers associated with the self-government. The elements defining, in fact, the mission of professional self-government, together with the mission of legal advisers, are determined by the goals set for the profession of legal adviser, being participation in the justice system and supporting a democratic state ruled by law. Art. 17 sec. 1 of the Constitution contains a regulation expressed in the obligation to harmoniously combine the many functions of the self-governments of professions of public trust. Importantly, the function of professional self-government is not only to shape the environmental interests of people performing public trust professions but also to seek to agree them with the public interest. Professional self-governments are primarily committed to the priority of implementing the public interest.