Paweł Płaneta
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXVI, 2017, s. 163-192 the outbreak of the civil war in the 1990s, traditional Bosnian Islam was moderate and liberal, however its nature underwent some deep changes especially under the influence of the Arab Mujahideen, who supported the Bosnian Muslims in the fighting with the Serbs, and – after the civil war – stayed in the country.
The author discusses possible variants of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: either the latent conflict will continue, which may lead to new acts of violence and disintegration of the country, or the consolidated state will be able to rebuild social trust and political stabilization, and finally will successfully complete its integration with the European Union and NATO. Unfortunately, Bosnia and Herzegovina remains vulnerable to Islamic political-religious extremism. Probably the Bosnian Muslims, who are attached to the local tradition of moderate and progressive Islam, may reject radical slogans. One must remember, however, that when in the 1990s the intolerant ideas appeared in the Western Balkans, they were belittled. Soon it turned out that extremists from religiously oriented political parties quickly went from slogans and manifestations to violence. We must not underestimate the current situation, because the crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina is particularly vulnerable to the impact of radical movements.
The situation is complicated by the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer functions only as a safe haven for Islamic radicals. The war in Syria, Iraq, international terrorism, economic and social crisis in the Muslim world have led to a horrendous migration/refugee crisis which has created the “gateway” to Europe for many Islamic fundamentalists in the whole region of the Western Balkans. That is why, according to many nationalists – in Bosnia, in the region, and in Europe – the days of Western civilization’s final clash with Islam are coming. In Bosnia, the Orthodox population counts on Russia’s leadership in the final victory over global jihad. An additional element on the geopolitical chessboard is Turkey, which is gaining greater power in the international arena and which strongly supports the reconstruction of the “Ottoman” identity in the Balkans.
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 61, Numer 4 (236), 2018, s. 632-659 artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy zawartości recenzji, sprawozdań i omówień opublikowanych przez Ignacego Stanisława Fiuta na łamach Zeszytów Prasoznawczych w latach 1980–2013. Początkowym etapem badań była analiza ilościowa korpusu tekstowego. Na tym etapie jednostkę pomiaru stanowił wyraz, a intensywność danych cech tekstu określono za pomocą liczby i zasięgów procentowych występowania poszczególnych wyrazów. Wyniki pomiarów statystycznych ujęto w listy frekwencyjne, które posłużyły badaniom dystrybucji (konkordancji) określonych wyrazów wraz z ich kontekstami. Następnie sprawdzono wybrane kolokacje najistotniejszych wyrazów, co posłużyło rekonstrukcji wzorów współwystępowania określonych wyrazów, a tym samym było podstawą rekonstrukcji wzajemnych związków i wzorów współwystępowania określeń odnoszących się do osób, koncepcji, tematów, problemów obecnych w omawianych recenzjach i sprawozdaniach. W ostatniej fazie badań wykonano komputerową analizę zawartości z wykorzystaniem procedur text mining oraz metodę analizy czynnikowej, co posłużyło wyodrębnieniu głównych wątków dyskursu naukowego w badanych publikacjach recenzyjnych.
Ignacy Stanisław Fiut’s media studies reviews and chronicles in Media Issues Quarterly
The aim of the article is to present the results of the survey on the structure of the media studies publications by Ignacy Stanisław Fiut. An analysis performed in this research was 1) the lexical analysis of I. S. Fiut’ the titles of the papers published in 1980–2018 and the content of his reviews and reports (published in the Zeszyty Prasoznawcze – Media Issues Quarterly). The results of statistical evaluations were the words frequency lists, the analysis of certain words concordances and collocations. The effect of such procedure was the reconstruction of important words co-occurrences common patterns. In this phase of the survey the units of analysis were words, so the intensity of the analyzed text attributes were measured by the number and percentage range of certain words. The next phase of the survey was the text mining analysis. Finally, as a result of text mining procedures, the structure of the scientific discourse of I.S. Fiut was reduced to the strongest factors determining which different (detailed) categories have the tendency to co-occur and that is why they create easily distinguishable configuration.
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 65, Numer 3 (251), 2022, s. 83-95 article presents the idea of a new “Lexicon of Media Terms” in Poland, showing important reasons for undertaking such a project. The preparation of the “Lexicon” is prompted, on the one hand, by the dynamic development of Polish and global media studies in the 21st century (its institutionalization in many research centers and universities, the development of professional and scientific periodicals, etc.), and on the other hand by the certain gap in Polish publishing market (the last publications of this type were created in the middle of the first decade of this century), and thus at a different stage of development of the mediosphere. Being aware of the availability of multi-volume international publications and online encyclopedias on the publishing market, the authors recognize that the aim of the project is not only to provide a processual and interdisciplinary account of contemporary changes in the mediosphere, but above all – from the Polish perspective, to popularize and highlight the achievements of Polish scholars – media researchers and representatives of related disciplines. “Lexicon” will differ from the previous publications in terms of form – it will include a much larger number of entries (about 3000) and content, entering areas that are new in terms of technology (resulting in an exponential growth of entries related to Internet media and in general – digital media), also covering new phenomena, new research areas and results of achievements of numerous circles of media scholars.
Mass Media Research and American Schools of Thought in Zeszyty Prasoznawcze (Media Issues quarterly)
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 60, Numer 1 (229), 2017, s. 70-89
Mass Media Research and American Schools of Thought in Zeszyty Prasoznawcze (Media Issues quarterly)
The paper characterizes the presence of American tradition of the research on mass media and communication in Zeszyty Prasoznawcze (Media Issues) quarterly related to the Press Research Centre in Krakow. On the basis of the quantitative linguistic and computer assisted content analysis the author gives a brief account of the main configurations of names, ideas, concepts, notions and theories which indicate the main American mass media and communication research traditions in Krakow quarterly in 1958–2013. The author presents the graphical map of the American school of media research thought in comparison to other research traditions. Among the conclusions of that study one can find that the Krakow media researchers not only adopted the American model of science (and successfully popularized it) but also remained the staunch supporters of quantitative, empirical, inter-subjectively verifiable and pragmatically applicable media and communication research.
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 38 (1995), Szyszkownik 2024, s. 1-1
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Kraków 1995 R. XXXVIII, nr 1-2 (141-142)
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 59, Numer 1 (225), 2016, s. 135-149
Reality Is Unrealistic. Journalist Report as a Source of Narrative about War
in HBO’s Miniseries “Generation Kill”
The popular HBO mini-series “Generation Kill” is a successful attempt to develop a new formula of narrative fiction founded on the journalistic report – a hybrid, quasi-documentary narrative based on “explanatory” as well as “participatory” modes. The radically realistic audiovisual representation of the events was thus constructed. The creators of the series – deriving from the reportage of Evan Wright – raised important social issues. We are dealing with an interesting perspective on the generation of “disposable children”, young Americans shaped by the global pop culture; young marines operating in Iraq of 2003 are ‘elite killers’, ‘devil dogs’ of the USA, disillusioned to the world of politics and war. The series also shows the chaos of war, during which even the most powerful military machine in the world, the US military – in some cases – fails. Despite its critical sound, the series does not impress of didactic moralizing tone. Both HBO and Wright’s book are characterized by a complete lack of political correctness, which gives way to realism of the characters and events.
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 52 (2009), 2009, s. 1-1
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 2009, nr 1-2 (197-198)
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 61, Numer 2 (234), 2018, s. 270-298 media reception of the way of given country’s running internal affairs policy is not without an infl uence on the country’s image – and its soft power effi ciency – abroad. The aim of the article is to present the results of the survey on the structure of discursive image of Poland present in the La Nación in 2004–2016. An analysis performed in this research was the lexical analysis of the daily’s content gathered in the text corpus (3622 articles). The results of statistical evaluations were the words frequency lists, the analysis of certain words concordances and collocations. The effect of such procedure was the reconstruction of important words co- -occurrences and common patterns. In this phase of the survey the units of analysis were words, so the intensity of the analyzed text attributes were measured by the number and percentage range of certain words. The next phase of the survey was the computer-assisted content analysis (CACA). Finally, as a result of factor analysis, the structure of the discourse on Poland in La Nación was reduced to the strongest factors determining which different (detailed) categories have the tendency to co-occur and that is why they create easily distinguishable confi guration. Changes in how Poland is described were presented on four periods of different governments.
Paweł Płaneta
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 42 (2000), Szyszkownik 2024, s. 1-1
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 2000, R. XLIII, nr 1-2 (161-162)