Paweł Marek Woroniecki
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2016 (2), 2016, s. 166 - 176 Sales and Auctions as Elements of the Modern Public-Procurement System
An electronic sale is conspicuous by a specific schema of acting fixed by the article 74–article 81 of the Public Contracts Law Act of 29th January 2004 (consolidated text: Dz.U. of 2015, item 2164). In the Public Contracts Law Act, the legislator also concretized – especially in article 91a, article 91b and article 91c of this Act – legal shape of an electronic auction. Article 74 item 1 of the above-mentioned Act indicates among other things, that in the electronic sale one ought to employ a form located within an internet page. Analogically, in article 91c item 1 the first sentence of the same Act the legislator requires in particular using – during the electronic auction – a form hooked to an internet page.
Paweł Marek Woroniecki
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 22, 2015, s. 1 - 1
The organization and a financial structure of the independent public institutions for health care
In 2011 Polish legislator has passed the Curative Activities Act of 15th April 2011. Among its provisions there are regulations concerning the independent public institutions for health care. The analysis led in the paper especially deals with financial structure of these institutions. In addition, article presents regulations which state functions and organization of them. At the end of the article there are some remarks about the verification of activities of the curative subjects.