Paweł Kubicki
Niepełnosprawność, Nr 22 (2016), 2016, s. 107 - 118
Between inclusion and segregation – schools in Poland towards students with disabilities
The text discusses the issues related to the education of students with disabilities within the education system, including in particular the problem of transition from school segregation to inclusive education. The author argues that problems of many students with disabilities in mainstream schools are related to the discrepancy between the legal status providing a full range of forms of education and leveling forms of support and the educational practice. The text is based on the analysis of existing data, including in particular the results realized in 2014 nationwide, representative questionnaire survey of school principals and parents of children with disabilities Badanie ścieżek edukacyjnych niepełnosprawnych dzieci, uczniów i absolwentów (eng. The study of educational paths of disabled children, students and alumni) carried out by the Institute of Educational Research. As the data shows, the education system keeps a relatively high stability, and the increased number of students participating in inclusive education concerns mainly kindergarten and first grade of primary school. However, as the children get older, there is a gradual shift from inclusive education to the education carried out within special schools.