Paweł Grygiel
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (7) , 2009, s. 65 - 84
The main aim of this article was to describe the academic teachers’ scientific efficiency at the University of Rzeszów (UR), including: (1) the qualification of the fields of science where the academic teachers are in the world scientific environment as well as (2) to identify those of them who are functioning in the world scientific environment – they are the most often quoted by others scientists. The analyses were taken on three bases of the ISI Web of Science. The authors analysed articles published between 2005 and 2009 year by academic teachers from the University of Rzeszów.
Paweł Grygiel
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 23, 2016, s. 429 - 436
Statutory restrictions on the freedom to form and join trade unions and constitutional guarantees
This article concerns on personal scope of freedom of association, as a sense of workers right to organize due to polish law. In this publication it is shown that the personal scope of freedom of association which was indicated in polish trade union act wasn’t not only in accordance with the constitiution but also with the international law. The author concerns in this article on the most important matters which are association with the case of personal scope of freedom of association.