Community Ethics in Entrepreneurial Activities of the Torguud Ethnics of Mongolia
The paper discusses moral principles of the Torguud ethnic group and finds them closely related to the general Mongolian pattern. Their traditional model has not changed after the people have undergone the neoliberal transformation in recent decades along the process common for the whole country. The discussion is focused on the business oriented group of Torguuds, that has created the Torgon Nutag Club, a community devoted to development of the Torguud society. The Club represents ideals of traditional morality – yos, the term which has been translated into European languages as a habit or custom, but it retains a much broader connotation in Mongolian cultural language. Such moral approach of the entrepreneurial strata acting for the general benefit has been laid as a basis for success achievement of the ethnic group as a totality. Concern for the common fate prevails over pressure of particular interests.